Natan Dondalski – a violinist, soloist, the first concertmaster of Warmian-Masurian Philharmonic and Koszalin Philharmonic. He is the laureate of international violin competitions in Lublin (H. Wieniawski), Prague, Weimar (L. Spohr) and Freiburg (L. Spohr), for instance. He leads violin classes in Complex of State Music Schools in Koszalin and The Academy of Art in Szczecin and his students win countless prizes in both national and international competitions and festivals.
He is a propagator of less known violin concertos of composers such as G. Faure, J. Hubay and Ch. Sinding.
“In my life, I have had a lot of luck due to the fact that violin professors I had had a pleasure working with, were outstanding and extraordinary personalities in their profession.
I am an absolvent of one of the most valued Polish teachers Mr. Mirosław Ławrynowicz, with whom I graduated Fryderyk Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw. I improved my violin skills with fantastic violinists such as Grigori Zhyslin (Wurzburg) and Rosa Fain (Dusseldorf). Each of them had different yet amazing and unique personalities. However, great passion to violin and music is what they all have in common.
As a teacher, I am doing my best to continue my master’s work. I constantly try to instil love to the violin, respect for work, how to reap satisfaction from their own development and awake meaningful understanding of music in young people’s hearts. I deeply desire to raise my students’ awareness of research for individual means of expression and how to reach audience’s hearts and to express emotions that come from music.
The biggest impact on my artistic path had winning awards on international competitions. Thanks to them, I got plenty of opportunities to perform in many great concert halls with magnificent symphonic orchestras.
The most valuable ones took place in Kölner Philharmonie, Beethovenhalle in Bonn, Schauspielhaus in Berlin, Oslo Konserthus or recitals in many reputable music festivals in Paris, Berlin, Chisinau, Sapporo, Helsinki and Stockholm.
My personal favourite violists are David Ojstrach, L. Kogan, J. Menuhin, Kyung-Wha Chung.”