“My name is Emmanouil Makridis and I’m 16 years old. I’m from Greece. I’m studying now at the State Conservatory of Thessaloniki, with Prof. Thanos Mitsalas. I have won 9 prizes in classical guitar and music Competitions since last year (when I started participating in competitions).

I like all kinds of music, especially Jazz and Contemporary Music (XX Century) because I feel free and I’m able to express myself easier. 

I practice about 4-5 hours per day (sometimes more, depending on the situation). At first, when I’m learning a new piece of music, I practice slowly, so I can think every single note and then  when the piece (or the part of the piece) feels secure, I raise the tempo, little by little until I reach the desired speed. After I reach a normal speed (sometimes is not the final tempo, but close to it) I start to consciously interpret the piece. Besides the musical interpretation, I try to “say’’ something deeper, in order to be able to connect with the audience. 

When I started playing guitar, my first teacher was Costas Bravakis, who really inspired me, made me love the guitar and connect deeply with music. So, every time I’m thinking about my relationship with Art in general, I always think about him. 

I try to participate in every competition possible, to gain experience and put myself out there.

My dream is to be the best and to truly express my “inner self” when on stage, to create that magical connection with other people.”

Award winning experience :
– 1st Prize Music and Stars Music Competition
– 1st Prize International Music Competition “The Muse”
– 1st Prize Orpheus Soloists Music Competition
– 1st Prize Palaio Faliro Guitar Festival (cat. Up to 18 years old)
– 2nd Prize Palaio Faliro Guitar Festival (cat. No age limit)
– 2nd Prize London Music Competition
– 2nd Prize Tasos Pappas Music Competition (2021)
– 2nd Prize Orpheus Soloists Competition (2021)
– 3rd Prize Sofia Guitar Festival (cat. Up to 17 years old)

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