“Hello everyone! I am the Dr. (Ph.D) M° Concetta Seila Mammoccio. I was born in 1989 in Vaduz (F. Liechtenstein). I am an Italian videographic producer and concert pianist multi-winner of the Non Plus Ultra virtuoso repertoire, with more than 1,480,000 views from over 100 countries, on my YouTube channel. I have a palmarès of over 50 victories in the piano, videographic and literary fields and I perform regularly in the most renowned concert halls of the globe including Carnegie Hall, Bozar, Concertgebouw.

Absolutely my favorite Art is Music, understood as a form of universal language, that through any genre, any contamination, is able to reflect and immediately transmit the essence of each one, their ideals, their feelings without filters and without fictions.

For a professional pianist like me who performs virtuoso repertoires of a certain caliber and at high speed, playing means training every day for repeated hours. Just like an athlete, it is necessary to preserve and improve one’s prowess, strength, agility, resistance, power and muscle flexibility, refine the technique, and this is achieved exclusively with constant exercise.

I believe that a multisectoral cultural preparation is indispensable. I play, study and deepen in detail every aspect: technical, expressive, compositional, aesthetic, musical, literary, sound and scenic curating and researching the perfect symbiosis between my personal artistic interpretative vision and musical historiographical fidelity.

I graduated in piano with the Ministerial Abbreviation for Merit granted by the Italian Ministry and I obtained the Master in level II with 110 Cum Laude in performance practice and compositional piano repertoire. The study and the musical career teach the discipline, the value of dedication, the spirit of sacrifice, to improve and to always perfect, to believe and invest in personal potential, evolving the uniqueness of oneself and one’s ideas, and that the only capital on which it is necessary to invest is human capital.

My mission as a teacher is to leave a testimony to future generations: to live for a dream, to fight for a dream, to die for a dream, because time is not money, time is everyone’s dream and it is worth realizing it.

I am also a writer and a criminologist, graduated in law, and I support projects on Non-Violence. I firmly believe that Music is the only infallible weapon that man has to move consciences and to restore peace, love and brotherhood in the world. Give a megaphone to a man and he will enslave us, give a megaphone to Art and set us free.”

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