Meet Arianna Durkin, a passionate musician hailing from Marilla, New York. Arianna’s love for music led her to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Music Education, Summa Cum Laude, at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Fredonia. She furthered her education and obtained a Masters in Music Education in May 2023. Throughout her academic journey, Arianna’s talent and dedication earned her recognition and scholarships, including the esteemed Dr. Susan Royal flute scholarship.

Under the guidance of accomplished instructors such as Barry Crawford and Angela Lombardo, Arianna honed her flute-playing skills. She also received vocal training from Leah Wieteg at Main Stage Studios, broadening her musical horizons. Arianna’s talent has been acknowledged internationally, with successful placements in various flute competitions.

Beyond her academic pursuits, Arianna Durkin embarked on a remarkable musical journey in July 2023, where she was selected to travel to Bulgaria to participate in the Sofia Symphonic Summit. There, she collaborates with esteemed composers and prepares to conduct the Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra. This incredible opportunity allows Arianna to showcase her skills and expand her musical repertoire.

Arianna’s passion for music extends to her role as a music educator. She completed her first-year teaching as a band director at the Lancaster School District in the William Street School. Additionally, Arianna has played as a substitute flute player for the Lancaster Town Band in the summer of 2022, and she is thrilled to become a full-fledged member in the summer of 2023. As a private flute lesson instructor, she shares her expertise with aspiring flutists. Arianna’s dedication to music education extends beyond instrumental instruction; she also directed the elementary show choir at the Music Academy of Western New York.

When it comes to preparing for performances, Arianna offers valuable advice: reflecting on the purpose behind each performance. Understanding the love for music as the driving force, she emphasizes the importance of channeling this passion on stage. Arianna’s flute teacher, Barry Crawford, also recommended techniques to calm nerves, such as drinking chamomile tea or eating three bananas at specific intervals before a performance. Although seemingly unconventional, Arianna found that these methods indeed helped to alleviate anxiety.

If given the opportunity to support a humanitarian project, Arianna would choose music advocacy for children. Recognizing the transformative power of music, she believes it plays a vital role in people’s lives, fostering connection, expression, and creativity. Music not only transcends cultural barriers but also enhances learning across various subjects in a school setting. As a devoted teacher, Arianna prioritizes her students’ needs, creating a safe space where they can explore their individuality, develop essential life skills, and experience the joys of music.

Arianna Durkin’s journey as a musician and educator shines a light on the profound impact music can have on individuals, communities, and education. Her commitment to advocating for music education for children reinforces the significance of the arts in fostering holistic development and personal growth.

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