“I was born in Ankara. I am teaching the violin for 35 years with a great passion and I am the head of Ankara branch of CALF Project (Cihat Askin and little friends) since 2011. The aim of CALF team is to develop musical education all over Turkey.
Those who had very important and valuable role in my music carrier are Prof. Dr. Suna Çevik who encouraged me to pursue a academic education in music and later on Prof. Omer Can, Prof. Oktay Dalaysel and Prof. Ali Ucan. I have also worked with Cihat Askin within the project that also contributed to my pedagogical career. Thanks to all these professors who have remarkable contribution in Turkish music education.
“Teaching with love” is my sole philosophy in teaching Violin. Wherever there is Love, there is success. My greatest aim is to raise bright open minded children. Violin education is still in developing stage in my country and we all do our best to develop it to the further stages. My biggest dream is to have all my country’s children be familiar with a musical instrument and classical music and in order to realize this dream we have many social projects in cooperation with different NGOs with the hope that we will be successful to have an open minded and bright future for our children.
While my most favorite composer is Mozart, and favorite virtuoso violinist is Heifetz and in my country is Cihat Askin.
With a hope for an enlightened world with the help of music.”